
Showing posts from October, 2019

Last Minute Defects

                Software Organizations allocate different periods of time depending on the projects that are being worked upon. In my experience, I have seen ERP or Back-Office testing projects taking longer time to be tested than the CRM or Front-Office projects. ERP projects typically have deeper functionality built into them over long periods of time. With the deeper functionality comes wider customer adoption. With wider customer adoption, more asks for enhancements, more enhancements result in more functionality getting built followed by longer testing cycles. SaaS systems, both CRM and ERP, typically see shorter testing cycles than On-Premise applications.                 While Periods of Testing may vary and number of QE professionals in the project may vary by project, it is seen that there is always a very high possibility of last-minute defects getting filed. While defects are a reality in software, what if the release of the product had to be done the same day? What if